Friday, October 06, 2006

Update: It's Broken

After some significant suffering this week, walking around like a cripple, I conceded that a visit to the doctor might be smart, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to do much for me. Maren had frankly had enough of my grunting and groaning as I hobble around.

The ortho guy took some XRays and guess what? I am the proud owner of a hairline fracture. Sweet, eh? I also have some evidence of trauma in the soft tissues on either side of the affected ribs and significant irritation of the costal cartilage (the stuff that connects your sternum to your ribs). I am lucky not to have dislocated the costal cartilage as that would be even more painful than a break and could take up to 9 weeks to heal.

I am going in Tuesday for an MRI and for ultrasound and other PT that should hopefully speed the healing process.

Looks like I'm out of commission for at least 4-5 weeks. That is most of the season. I'll be able to play in the final tournament, the first week of November. So much for my comeback huh? Oh well. The old gray mare she ain't what she used to be.

Maybe I should take up something nice, like Golf.

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Blogger KreterPirates said...

Dude, stop while you are ahead

10:57 AM  
Blogger Wilson said...

I think someone said:

Something doesn't give up it fucks shit up...or something?

4:50 PM  
Blogger sokrates said...

OW...that is the pits. get better soon...

7:23 PM  

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