Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Story of Doggy Poo

One of the most interesting properties I have seen pitched at the NY licensing show over the past few years was....Doggy Poo. Now if any of you thought that your most bizarre idea would never fly, try this out for size.

This is the story of a poo, yes a poo. He is excreated out of a dog and after that is lost in the world because now that he has been pooped he does not know his purpose. The story is about this poop finding his purpose in life. He interactes with leaves, dirt, mud, birds, and general characters found in nature with the basic "Are you my mother" or in this case "Do you know what my purposes is" question. All of the othere characters relate their stories of how they started, the mud as dirt, the bird as an egg, the leave as a bud on a tree....

Sooner or later after many stories, and seasons, it is Spring. And as it does in Spring, it begins to rain and doggy poop begins to break down. His spill-off finds its way into a flower garden when he becomes the compost necessary to make the flowers blossome and bloom and finally Doggy Poo has found his purpose.

So for all of you with all you bizarre ideas out there. Never forget that if there is a place for Doggy Poo, I am sure there is a place for you!!


Blogger Wilson said...

So, we're all fertilizer in the end? Sweet.

2:33 PM  

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