Thursday, October 05, 2006

Agent Kitty, Chapter 3: Catch-22

Agent Kitty stared at the lab-coated messenger in disbelief. (S)He didn’t know what to think of this new development. But all of a sudden there was an urge to call his mum, sit down with a pint of Haagen Daz Chocolate Fudge Brownie and watch “Beaches.”

As quickly as this urge surfaced, it was gone and all Kitty wanted was so many slices of watermelon.

Agent Kitty’s turbulent thoughts were interrupted…
“…Kitty…Agent Kitty, are you listening?? I’m telling you, you need to take immediate measures. I have 2 words for you: Folic Acid.”

But A.K. was already walking away. There was only one thing to do – he had to visit his sensei. This would entail a long and potentially dangerous journey. But his sensei would have the answer to the one question on his mind:

How is a cat supposed to cope with a possible encounter with Toxoplasma gondii? As everyone knows, this parasite can be found in cat litter (and raw meat) and can be harmful to the fragile baby now growing inside of A.K. It’s easy enough for humans to avoid, but only his sensei would know how on earth a cat was supposed to avoid its own litter box?! This was a diabolical catch-22…and coupled with the notion that his baby already had intense inbreeding working against it, A.K. embarked on a new mission.

He quickly cat called Pierre and the journey began. But it wasn’t long before the first danger reared its hideous rectangular head…


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