Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Story of Agent Kitty

Duh Duh, Duh Duh, Duh Duh, Duh Duh.....

Agent Kitty, a feline of utter most experience in espinage has just returned from his tour overseas where we was sent to take down a ruthless dictator Senor Frog. It seems Senor Frog had been operating in Cancun, Mexico, taking control of the local population and visiting tourist, with a secret mind bending solution he would slip into their drinks which he served them out of his local watering hole.... Agent Kitty single handedly brought down Senor Frog and his ruthless Mexican underworld gang and puttting an end to the mind control which had taken many victims.

But on returning home, it appear that Agent Kitty had not seen the end of Senor Frog and his ruthless band of bandiditos. Agent Kitty started to find some of his own trouble on his own turf. It seems that Senor Frog had opened a new venue back in Miami and also had established a new underworld here in the States. The KIA (Kitty's in Action) assigned Agent Kitty a new body guard Chester to look after Agent Kitty. Chester had been with the Agency about 17 years. He was only about 3 months from retirement. He drank a lot, ate alot, and was pretty much an all around puss. Agent Kitty felt that Chester was a lazy good for nothing piece of shit who slept all day, and offered Agent Kitty no protection.

Since Agent Kitty essentially had not protection from the KIA, he had to go and find some protection of his own. He hired Pierre, a weapons expert he met during a mission Agent Kitty had completed in France. Agent Kitty was sent to France to defuse a most volatile situation. A group of Mice, who ran their underground plots from the sewers in Paris had been stealing all the cheese. The local were most upset as what is wine withou the cheese...Agent Kitty was sent in to take the mice I really have to say more? Pierre was especially talented in sharpshooting so Agent Kitty had him case his place from an apartment they rented across the street. Pierre monitored Agent Kitty's place night and day, day and night. He felt an obligation to Agent Kitty, because during that mission in France Agent Kitty had saved his life. A debt Pierre knew he could never re-pay....

But one night when Pierre could no longer keep his eyes open, a stranger snuck into Agent Kitty's apartment. When Agent Kitty got home, the intruder was there waiting for him. He backed him up against the wall and.......


Blogger Wilson said...

Okay...I will play

9:21 AM  

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