Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This just in: Pictures help with recall

It's true. Sarah's fine photography has brought into focus some of the hazier moments of our excellent weekend. I can't expect people who look like this to actually know what is going on in real time.

I think my eyes are working independently of one another in that one.

Some fine work here by Buff who followed a painful loss by his beloved Cornhuskers with a nap, only to rally at 2AM and carry on like a maniac through dawn.

With a little recharging on the fold out, this game maker would surprise crowds and an unsuspecting cooler of Coors Light who thought it had the team beat.

Points too to Sarah and Scott. My brains were total rubbish at that point. While I'm sure I missed out on some scintillating conversation, my liver thanks me for it.

Now, let's not make the case that the entire weekend was one of mindless dipsomania. There were some intellectual pursuits as well. Witness this shot.

Hamilton College is a reading-intensive institution of higher education. Take that Harvard!

Among my favorite pics is this one which I don't remember at all...but boy...what an inventive way to deal with those ravenous "dontseeems".

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Thanks again to the most important folks, our fine hosts...and to Alison Finley, mother extraordinare who had to put up with way more than just one baby this weekend.


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