Monday, May 04, 2009


What's happening. This blog be OLD!

Miss you guys.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I dare you not to laugh!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello... Is there anybody out there?

Friday, July 18, 2008

So What'cha What'cha What'cha Want

Hey guys, how ya been, whatch'a been doin? I hope this finds everyone doing really well. I've recently spoken with Tom and Scott and we tossed around the idea of having another mini-reunion next summer (similar to our descent on Florida which was swiftly counter-attacked by an apparently disapproving mother nature with red tide and bee swarms). Tom mentioned doing a bike ride across Iowa which I'd definitely be down for. But I'll be honest, I'm not picky about the what or the where as long as it gives us all a chance to hang out and drink with manly pride. Now that you guys are married we need to manufacture the annual weekend of revelry and cameraderie; we can no longer rely on weddings to give us an excuse to get together or we may be waiting a long time. Included below for your viewing pleasure is something that I recommend you get in the habit of blasting at 5pm every Friday. It's been proven that laughter makes us live longer (and imitation - even really poor imitation - is the sincerest form of flattery):

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Year's Resolution

My resolution for the New Year is to raise my live-action role-playing Paladin avatar to level 14 and buy him a new winged steed:

Then I'm going to open an auto body shop in Portland:

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Years Resolution

I think that all our New Year's resolutions should be to BLOG more

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanza!

I want to wish you, your families, friends and loved ones a very Merry Christmas. 2007 has been a wonderful year, highlighted by the birth of the newest Finley and the marriage of our Brother, Scott Matthew Collings. Maybe I'm just getting old and sentimental but this time of year always makes me think about how blessed I am to be surrounded by all of the wonderful people in my life. Friends like you are rare and irreplaceable. I hope that in the upcoming year, we can fabricate an occasion that will give us all an excuse to gather again. Until then, all of my best to you and yours.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Justin busy at work

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Check It - Vegas is bad for you.

This is a short post. Short, because like most trips to Las Vegas, the less said about the experience the better. Plus, it took me a good week to feel normal again.

On October 12th and 13th, I had the pleasure to join an effort in Las Vegas to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Rob Carrigg. In tow were his brother Ryan, Exeter buddy Tenny, co-worker Paul and a host of Chipster glitterati.

For starters: Barnard, without whom no party will ever be the same. He and fellow attorneys Bill Orr and Mike Allan were first timers. They may not go back. Added to the mix were Tim Anderson, Brian Belanger and his brother Greg. All Vegas veterans who most certainly enjoyed themselves, in the appropriate fashion.

As for me...I must have had 100 Bud Lights and didn't lose as much as I feared. It was great seeing those guys and I had a good time hanging out and bullshitting with them all, from what I remember.

In the end, though, a trip to Vegas is like eating at McDonalds. You walk in, aware health is not the operative consideration. You look around and find some pretty odd and seedy folks lining up for the same treatment. (At both places you find a lot of those mechanized carts called "Rascals" that beep when they back up). You take a big bite and it tastes really good. You take another and then another. And then it's time to go. And you don't feel so well. Actually you feel sick. And then you ask yourself, why did I come here in the first place?... vowing never to return.

But yet, when enough time has passed, and someone suggests "hey, let's go to..." it sounds like a good idea. And there you are again.

God Bless America.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

At Summer’s End.

It was a good one. I would have liked seeing you guys…but hopefully at Scott’s Wedding at the latest we’ll all have a chance to hoist a few. Our summer was surprisingly busy. The wife’s in particular as she was basically on a 10 week interview. The good news is that she has already received and accepted an offer to join Goldman next fall, full time. I’m really proud of her. She did an excellent job. (Someone in this family has to strive for excellence).

We were able to squeeze in a four day trip down to Mexico last week, in celebration of the news. Here are a few select pics.

As for me, I’m plugging away at all the same stuff. Nothing too new to report. Miss you guys.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And less than two months later the new brand I will be working on....I have arrived!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Long Time No Blog... now I'm bombarding you with pictures!

To fix the issue with a previous post, this link will bring you to our photo album from the fabulous Finley RI visit...

Shortly thereafter, we headed out to Iowa to enjoy 4th of July on Clear Lake...

And more recently, over VJ day (which RI still celebrates), we journeyed up to Grindstone in the 1000 Islands. This is fast becoming an annual tradition, with the same group that we partied with last year returning again, and we're all on board for next year already...

As you can see, the summer has been busy! We've had visitors or been on the road pretty much every weekend for the past 3 months. And the trend continues into the Fall it seems. Thankfully, the month of August has been a respite from classes for me, but only for another couple of weeks. I start up again with 3 classes a week as of Sept 4 and will likely be pretty incommunicado until I'm done in December. It's hard to believe that's only 4 months away...

But we'll be seeing you guys in October right?!?!?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Belated Update

Greetings. I mean to post earlier, but...failed. Like Dale Pabst.

As noted, over Memorial Day, the wife and I had a wedding for a friend of hers in Florida. We followed this with a few days at the Ritz Carlton in Jamaica. Here are a few represenative pics.

The wife is working the crazy hours we expected, but seems to be enjoying it otherwise. I've been busy with work myself, but had a chance to see a few folks from the "old country".

1. Ran into Rotolo at a benefit, who spoke highly of the fun Kreter times he's had recently. He's in the city all the time for work and suggested we have lunch. I gave him my card. He hasn't called. I am not holding my breath.

He said reunion was fun and that Lilienthal, Nagel and Elana all say hello, and are the same...only older.

2. I went out to the North Fork of Long Island to see McKenzie and his wife for a backyard pool party/BBQ. They are parents of a charming young giant, about 9 months old. The place was very nice, as well. It is amazing to see the guy who "owned" the brown couch as a pledge be so grown up and mature.

3. I am supposed to have drinks with Barnard tonight, but am also not holding my breath. Lawyers. He and his wife have just had a baby.

That's it for now. Will post more as items develop, if any.

Did someone get a computer....?

Testing, 1, 2, 4... Is this thing on? Sibilance! Sibilance!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Must See Moo-vee(s)

I hope that this post finds all well with you, your familias and significant others. Not sure how the weather's been for you all, but here it's been hot. Damn hot! Hot enough to throw some steak and veggies in my shorts and do a little crotch pot cooking. With that in mind, I've assembled a list of flicks you might enjoy should you find yourself confined to controlled climes:

10. Street Fight

This documentary follows the 2002 mayoral campaign in Newark, New Jersey in which the Cory Booker attempted to unseat longtime mayor Sharpe James.

9. 13 Tzameti

Sebastian, a young man, has decided to follow instructions intended for someone else, without knowing where they will take him. Something else he does not know is that Gerard Dorez, a cop on a knife-edge, is tailing him. When he reaches his destination, Sebastian falls into a degenerate, clandestine world of mental chaos behind closed doors in which men gamble on the lives of others men.

8. Dream With the Fishes

Terry is a suicidal voyeur who doesn't seem to be able to kill himself. While preparing for jumping off a bridge, he meets Nick who ends up saving his life. Terry discovers that Nick is terminally ill and doesn't have much time left. Scared by the lack of time, Nick offers Terry a deal he can't refuse: Terry will become the beneficiary of Nick's life insurance or, since money doesn't matter to Terry, Nick promises to kill him before he dies. All Nick asks is Terry's help to realize a few fantasies before dying.

7. Joyeux Noel

In 1914, World War I, the bloodiest war ever at that time in human history, was well under way. However on Christmas Eve, numerous sections of the Western Front called an informal, and unauthorized, truce where the various front-line soldiers of the conflict peacefully met each other in No Man's Land to share a precious pause in the carnage with a fleeting brotherhood. This film dramatizes one such section as the French, British and German sides partake in the unique event, even though they are aware that their superiors will not tolerate its occurrence.

6. Grandma's Boy

When his roommate spends the rent money on Filipino hookers. Alex, a 35 year video game tester has to find a new place to live. After a "encounter" with his friends mom, Alex is forced to move in with his grandmother. Trying to keep sake from his younger co-workers, Alex says that he is living "with three hot babes" (meaning his grandmother and her two roommates).

5. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

A petty thief posing as an actor is brought to Los Angeles for an unlikely audition and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation along with his high school dream girl and a detective who's been training him for his upcoming role...

4. Layer cake

A successful cocaine dealer, who has earned a respected place among England's Mafia elite, plans an early retirement from the business. However, big boss Jimmy Price hands down a tough assignment: find Charlotte Ryder, the missing rich princess daughter of Jimmy's old pal Edward, a powerful construction business player and gossip papers socialite. Complicating matters are two million pounds' worth of Grade A ecstasy, a brutal neo-Nazi sect and a whole series of double crossings. The title "LAYER CAKE" refers to the layers or levels anyone in business goes through in rising to the top. What is revealed is a modern underworld where the rules have changed. There are no 'codes', or 'families' and respect lasts as long as a line. Not knowing who he can trust, he has to use all his 'savvy', 'telling' and skills which make him one of the best, to escape his own. The ultimate last job, a love interest called Tammy, and an international drug ring threaten to draw him back into the 'cake mix'. But, time is running out and the penalty will endure a lifetime..

3. Bobby

Tuesday, June 4, 1968: the California presidential primary. As day breaks Robert Kennedy arrives at the Ambassador Hotel; he'll campaign, then speak to supporters at midnight. To capture the texture of the late 1960s, we see vignettes at the hotel: a couple marries so he can avoid Vietnam, kitchen staff discuss race and baseball, a man cheats on his wife, another is fired for racism, a retired hotel doorman plays chess in the lobby with an old friend, a campaign strategist's wife needs a pair of black shoes, two campaign staff trip on LSD, a lounge singer is on the downhill slide. Through it all, we see and hear RFK calling for about a better society and a better nation.

2. Hustle & Flow

With help from his friends, a Memphis pimp in a mid-life crisis attempts to become a successful hip-hop emcee.

1. Primer

At night and on weekends, four men in a suburban garage have built a cottage industry of error-checking devices. But, they know that there is something more. There is some idea, some mechanism, some accidental side effect that is standing between them and a pure leap of innovation. And so, through trial and error they are building the device that is missing most. However, two of these men find the device and immediately realize that it is too valuable to market. The limit of their trust in each other is strained when they are faced with the question, If you always want what you can't have, what do you want when you can have anything?

Saturday, July 07, 2007

My Tour of the "Flyover States"

Standing atop Steamboat Mountain, with Steamboat Springs in the background

The coldest stream ever, above Steamboat Springs, CO

This is a pic of the oldest house in North America. Santa Fe, NM

The best Mexican restaurant in the world: El Paragua in Espanola, New Mexico. They built the restaurant around the tree in the picture.

Humpty Hump in Colorado Springs

Coffee State Park: my sisters Ann (left) and Amy, and my niece, Grace

Sunset in northwest Nebraska near the family ranch

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Finleys come to RI

Hey guys,

Wanted to share some pictures of the Finley's trip to RI. Hope you enjoy. We had a great time going to the Zoo, the Beach, a Minor League Baseball Game, and hanging out with the sprinkler & pool in the backyard!! Click the title to get through to the pictures


Monday, June 25, 2007

This Blogging Shit is Frick'n Awesome

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ok Now it is Official...The brand that I am currently working on....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

And for those of you who have not seen it...the basement proect a.k.a Operation MANTOWN

Click title to view photos

Some of my Recent Toy Projects

Click the title to see more

So Will Figured me out....I never read magazines I only look at the pictures!!

So JK's Update:

All is well in Kreter land. I have been moved a few times at work since I last talked to you all. I spent 3 weeks (shortest stint so far) working on two brands: Toy Story & Marvel Superhero Squad and now have ended up in the Lucas group. Cannot say exactly what I am working on now but it is one of their crown jewels staring Han Solo...and no it is not Star Wars... I am also managing two collectors lines, Titanium - Our Answer to Star Wars Matchbox and a brand that will launch in 2008 which is our answer to Urban vynal. All around pretty good stuff to be working on.

We have also or will be on Friday, concluding our most recent home renovation.. the kitchen. The project has taken about a month and a half and let me tell you a month with no kitchen sink and no 1st floor bathroom is a long time....The house is a total sty, but hey that is what Memorial Day weekends are for!! Check out the pictures (click the title and it will link you there). I have not loaded ones with the finished floors, but you can see the extent of the project. Two projects down (basement & kitchen) one to go (bathroom).

Other than that 80 degree weather is returning to RI which means fun in the sun. Beaching and boating are on the docket.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Update...sort of.

Okay, just to prove I'm not a liar. Here is a post. And I will add more than just a fancy picture (like SOME people).

I'm enjoying the beautiful Spring weather in NYC and continue to plug away at work. I haven't read anything good in ages (I've read a few things, but nothing good since "The Road".) I haven't seen any movies I'd recommend (although Children of Men was okay).

Maren is done with year one and will begin her internship in a few weeks and will soon be very busy overseeing financial models and offering memoranda or whatever people in that business do for the 80-100 hours a week they're in the office.

Because we're not going to get to take a 10+ day trip this year, we are flying to Jamaica in a few days for a quick getaway. (We have a wedding in Florida this weekend and then will be flying out Sunday, back in NYC on Thurs.)

My REAL update will be pictures from this trip. Stay tuned.

Oh...and here is a picture. MMA on the cover of Sports Illustrated. A fringe sport goes mainstream. Are you for or against or neutral? Discuss amongst yourselves.....?

Don't Make Me Do It....Somebody Blog Soon!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

There will be updates!

I promise. Sorry to be MIA.

Has everyone been abducted?

I think that there has been an infestation

I am on my own island....

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Does anyone own one of these?

Definition of our blog

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Is anynoe planning on going to the Hamtech reunion?

So I finally figured out my gmail address...