Saturday, July 07, 2007

My Tour of the "Flyover States"

Standing atop Steamboat Mountain, with Steamboat Springs in the background

The coldest stream ever, above Steamboat Springs, CO

This is a pic of the oldest house in North America. Santa Fe, NM

The best Mexican restaurant in the world: El Paragua in Espanola, New Mexico. They built the restaurant around the tree in the picture.

Humpty Hump in Colorado Springs

Coffee State Park: my sisters Ann (left) and Amy, and my niece, Grace

Sunset in northwest Nebraska near the family ranch


Blogger KreterPirates said...

Awesome Pics!! Thanks for the update Buff

8:42 AM  
Blogger Wilson said...

Nicely done, Mr. Radil.

NM rocks.

12:46 PM  

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