Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Long Time No Blog...

...so now I'm bombarding you with pictures!

To fix the issue with a previous post, this link will bring you to our photo album from the fabulous Finley RI visit...

Shortly thereafter, we headed out to Iowa to enjoy 4th of July on Clear Lake...

And more recently, over VJ day (which RI still celebrates), we journeyed up to Grindstone in the 1000 Islands. This is fast becoming an annual tradition, with the same group that we partied with last year returning again, and we're all on board for next year already...

As you can see, the summer has been busy! We've had visitors or been on the road pretty much every weekend for the past 3 months. And the trend continues into the Fall it seems. Thankfully, the month of August has been a respite from classes for me, but only for another couple of weeks. I start up again with 3 classes a week as of Sept 4 and will likely be pretty incommunicado until I'm done in December. It's hard to believe that's only 4 months away...

But we'll be seeing you guys in October right?!?!?


Blogger Wilson said...

awesome pics SOK

1:50 PM  

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