Friday, July 18, 2008

So What'cha What'cha What'cha Want

Hey guys, how ya been, whatch'a been doin? I hope this finds everyone doing really well. I've recently spoken with Tom and Scott and we tossed around the idea of having another mini-reunion next summer (similar to our descent on Florida which was swiftly counter-attacked by an apparently disapproving mother nature with red tide and bee swarms). Tom mentioned doing a bike ride across Iowa which I'd definitely be down for. But I'll be honest, I'm not picky about the what or the where as long as it gives us all a chance to hang out and drink with manly pride. Now that you guys are married we need to manufacture the annual weekend of revelry and cameraderie; we can no longer rely on weddings to give us an excuse to get together or we may be waiting a long time. Included below for your viewing pleasure is something that I recommend you get in the habit of blasting at 5pm every Friday. It's been proven that laughter makes us live longer (and imitation - even really poor imitation - is the sincerest form of flattery):


Blogger sokrates said...

oh my god. that is just painful - i couldn't play it all the way through!!

9:06 AM  

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