Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Belated Update

Greetings. I mean to post earlier, but...failed. Like Dale Pabst.

As noted, over Memorial Day, the wife and I had a wedding for a friend of hers in Florida. We followed this with a few days at the Ritz Carlton in Jamaica. Here are a few represenative pics.

The wife is working the crazy hours we expected, but seems to be enjoying it otherwise. I've been busy with work myself, but had a chance to see a few folks from the "old country".

1. Ran into Rotolo at a benefit, who spoke highly of the fun Kreter times he's had recently. He's in the city all the time for work and suggested we have lunch. I gave him my card. He hasn't called. I am not holding my breath.

He said reunion was fun and that Lilienthal, Nagel and Elana all say hello, and are the same...only older.

2. I went out to the North Fork of Long Island to see McKenzie and his wife for a backyard pool party/BBQ. They are parents of a charming young giant, about 9 months old. The place was very nice, as well. It is amazing to see the guy who "owned" the brown couch as a pledge be so grown up and mature.

3. I am supposed to have drinks with Barnard tonight, but am also not holding my breath. Lawyers. He and his wife have just had a baby.

That's it for now. Will post more as items develop, if any.


Blogger sokrates said...

excellent update wilson. and life looks fabulous whilst living it at the ritz carlton!

sorry everyone it has been looooong time since we kreters have posted.

i will do my best now...

1:54 PM  

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