Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sanibel: She's a Fine Girl.

Huge thanks go out to Justin and Sarah for hosting such an amazing weekend. The red tide has nothing on us. I will recount many fond memories as my back sluffs off reams of skin like sheets of egyptian papyrus over the next few days. (A process which has - if you can believe it-already begun.)

Among my favorite moments are the following:
1. Meeting Phelan Finley, who will grow up one day to lead the human resistance against the rise of the machines. His keen use of sign language will come into great use in the field as his troops out maneuver nasty nanobots to save civilization. Additionally, because he can survive on a diet of sand...he can lead a tireless effort on behalf of all mankind. Thank you in advance, young Phelan.

2. The Game of Life: An unapologetic piece of capitalist propeganda reinforcing unfair bourgeois values. That noted, I have not laughed so painfully in years. I think I had a stroke.

3. Some fine cooking on behalf of Chef Kreter. Aside from the keen project management from start to finish, this kid can cook a mean dish. I LIKE!

All in, I had a blast. This came as no suprise. I am glad we were able to get together.

It's hard for all of us to stay in close touch, but it really shouldn't be. At a minumum, I hope we can do these family reunion things once a year. At a maximum, many this blog/site thing can help us share shit that's going on. I know I am planning to try and stick with it. Hopefully you all will as well.



Blogger Wilson said...

Great Times, Good Oldies!! Guys this was a great weekend. From the pool party to the night on the roof deck! Glad that all of you could make it and that we were able to all be together. Can't wait to do it again real soon.

New product idea on the table....portable second liver, for those weekends when you know you are going to need one. That and....insta nap, just one pill and you will feel like you have slept like Rip Van Winkle.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Wilson said...

Sorry that was me....JK

10:31 AM  
Blogger sokrates said...

stay tuned for our pictures from the unforgettable weekend. i'll send everyone the ofoto album, but also hope to post some "greatest hits" on our blog :)

9:33 PM  

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