Monday, October 16, 2006

Agent Kitty - Chapter 4: Brownie Squares lead to Depression

Oh wait is this a dream....I don't think I am in Kansas anymore. And are I not supposed to be chasing the New Oven Baked Brownie Squares from Domino's....that is how it happens in the commercial. Why the canoe and why must he be dressed as a Viking...I must wake up and shake this dream oh it is making me so hungy....The soft brownies dipped in the hot chocolate sauce.....why are they chasing me....they looks so delicious but at the same time so evil.....Please wake me please.....

"Enough, Enough,"....."Agent Kitty you are going to have to de-plane immediately!" cried the Stewardess.

"But where am I?" Cried Agent Kitty.

"You are in Paris" said the Stewardess "You were talking in your sleep...something about brownie squares and chocolate goodness. Must have been a most excelent dream. My name is French Kitty"

And then it hit Agent Kitty...he had gotten on a flight to Paris. He was on his way to see his Sensie, but first he had to see his friend Pierre who after letting Agent. Kitty down by falling asleep on the job, had begun to suffer from deep depression.

"Thank you for waking me" said Agent Kitty to the Stewardess......And then it hit him again... He had been found did she know my name....I must find a disguise....and I must also find Pierre before it is too late.
He borrowed a disguise from a local costume shop and fit right in...... Agent Kitty then set off to find Pierre. He kept thinking about how Pierre must feel...owing his life to Agent Kitty and letting his best friend down in a time of need. Not somewhere Agent Kitty wanted to be in life. He soon found Pierre at the local watering hole, but instead of being down at the bank taking a sip like the rest of the ruthless scum, he was on top of the bridge.

Agent Kitty started to get concerned....Pierre started baabbling about how someone had taken his twin brother hostage. Agent Kitty had met Pierre's twin brother Henri on a mission in the Far East. The three of them were sent in to infitrate a notorius Cambodian Crime Family. The fact that Henri was now missing hit home....You see Agent Kitty also had a twin brother and now Agent Kitty wondered if his twin is suffering from his same affliction

Pierre started talking again...This time it was about a ransome note he receieved about Friskies and about how he had had enoughof this world and was ready to give up.....

All these conspiracy's, all happing now, and all involving Agent Kitty....what was he to do....


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