Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Balls Out! (I must be drunk.)

Or an idiot. I am 32.5 years old. But somehow I have decided that it would be fun to play rugby again. Not withstanding that I have the cardio and lung capacity of Doc Holiday, and that I haven’t been on a pitch in nine years, somehow I thought this was an idea of merit. Blame business school, that graduate program of commercial esteem which brings out the inner high-schooler among its students. I am no MBA candidate myself mind you. You need brains and grades for that. Rather it is my wife, Maren, who is sitting through Corporate Finance classes and cramming for Stats exams. I’m not even affiliated with the program beyond that. Still, with all of the naiveté of a single girl thinking she will be left alone to enjoy “dance party” at Delta Upsilon, I signed up for the Columbia School of Business Rugby Football Club.

Standing practice is on Friday in the middle of the afternoon. I am unable to attend. Our first game is this weekend. With these two points in mind when I learned there was a practice last night at 9PM up at Butler Field (the northernmost tip of Manhattan) I rushed out and bought some boots, cheerfully excited to begin my adventure.

That was last night. Today is this morning. With conviction I can say I am in trouble. I forgot how much running there is in this game and how little power point. My legs were shaking mercilessly by the time I got home (at 12:50AM, by the way) and the only comfort I had, as I crawled into bed, was the fact that I didn’t vomit or have a full blown coronary in front of my new teammates.

Perhaps you’ve seen the ads for the superb Dyson vacuum which never loses suction? I was doing my best impression all over Butler field last night. This was not only with regard to the dearth of oxygen in my blood, but also in reflection of the style of play I demonstrated. Surely, I knew what I was supposed to do, I played for eight season, but my body would not always cooperate. My passes were passable, but my support was insupportable. I blame the extra ten or twelve pounds of red wine and take-out-meal-fueled fat I carry around my mid section. (Not to mention the rift in my relationship with my local treadmill.)

Yes, and now I am limping around the office, a shiny mystery bruise on right knee making crossing streets annoying and stairs embarrassing. How I got it I’m not sure. We didn’t even have full speed tackling last night.

So what’s an old man to do? The young man inside says to suck it up. I’m going to listen to him for now. I’m going to go to the game this weekend and see how well I survive the fray. If it’s a total bust and I’m doing more harm than good to both myself and the team, I may concede victory to the old man I am, who wants very much to sit on the sofa and watch movies all weekend versus try to bring down a 225 pound Aussie banker who has been playing the game since he popped out of his mother’s kangaroo pouch.

Stay tuned for updates. At least I hope they’re updates, and not a bloody obituary.


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In addition to my surprise at how good these b-school guys are, it seems our little D3 team has become quite good itself. See a recent article.

Imagine how we’d have played if Picarello had quit smoking cigarettes, if Cooley had stayed off of the mushrooms, and if I had any talent!

This just in: Pictures help with recall

It's true. Sarah's fine photography has brought into focus some of the hazier moments of our excellent weekend. I can't expect people who look like this to actually know what is going on in real time.

I think my eyes are working independently of one another in that one.

Some fine work here by Buff who followed a painful loss by his beloved Cornhuskers with a nap, only to rally at 2AM and carry on like a maniac through dawn.

With a little recharging on the fold out, this game maker would surprise crowds and an unsuspecting cooler of Coors Light who thought it had the team beat.

Points too to Sarah and Scott. My brains were total rubbish at that point. While I'm sure I missed out on some scintillating conversation, my liver thanks me for it.

Now, let's not make the case that the entire weekend was one of mindless dipsomania. There were some intellectual pursuits as well. Witness this shot.

Hamilton College is a reading-intensive institution of higher education. Take that Harvard!

Among my favorite pics is this one which I don't remember at all...but boy...what an inventive way to deal with those ravenous "dontseeems".

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Thanks again to the most important folks, our fine hosts...and to Alison Finley, mother extraordinare who had to put up with way more than just one baby this weekend.

Kreter Pictures Have been posted!


Pictures have been posted of our glorius weekend. Click the Title and it will take you directly to the shots!! We will have to do it again soon!! Hope everyone has recovered and is back in their routines. Miss all y'all.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sanibel: She's a Fine Girl.

Huge thanks go out to Justin and Sarah for hosting such an amazing weekend. The red tide has nothing on us. I will recount many fond memories as my back sluffs off reams of skin like sheets of egyptian papyrus over the next few days. (A process which has - if you can believe it-already begun.)

Among my favorite moments are the following:
1. Meeting Phelan Finley, who will grow up one day to lead the human resistance against the rise of the machines. His keen use of sign language will come into great use in the field as his troops out maneuver nasty nanobots to save civilization. Additionally, because he can survive on a diet of sand...he can lead a tireless effort on behalf of all mankind. Thank you in advance, young Phelan.

2. The Game of Life: An unapologetic piece of capitalist propeganda reinforcing unfair bourgeois values. That noted, I have not laughed so painfully in years. I think I had a stroke.

3. Some fine cooking on behalf of Chef Kreter. Aside from the keen project management from start to finish, this kid can cook a mean dish. I LIKE!

All in, I had a blast. This came as no suprise. I am glad we were able to get together.

It's hard for all of us to stay in close touch, but it really shouldn't be. At a minumum, I hope we can do these family reunion things once a year. At a maximum, many this blog/site thing can help us share shit that's going on. I know I am planning to try and stick with it. Hopefully you all will as well.


7.8 - 7.9.2005

Keys to the Kingdom

The purpose of this url is for the rest of you jokers to have a central place from which to link news, thoughts and other relevant shite in order to assist us in staying in better touch before the next annual PirateFest.

Scotty suggested this, and I think it's a swell I figured I would get it started. Hopefully you will all participate.