Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Samhain

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TMF: You really should submit a drawing to honor the occassion. This is the best I could find.

AND....Happy Birthday to SOKrates. Hope you guys do something fun and appropriate to the occasion. (No Wicker Man burnings please.)

As for me, I'm working late and then meeting a bunch of Columbia people out for a few late drinks. Talk about night of the living dead: a bunch of wanna be bankers on the make. "Say...LET'S NETWORK". (Shudder) Scary stuff.


Blogger sokrates said...

thanks so much will!! we had a great night waiting around for the tricker treaters who never came. only had 1 knock on the door :( but i was happy as a clam watching SLEEPY HOLLOW, eating massaman curry from the local thai place and knitting. everything i love from johnny depp to coconut milk!

11:29 AM  

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