Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Justin busy at work

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Check It - Vegas is bad for you.

This is a short post. Short, because like most trips to Las Vegas, the less said about the experience the better. Plus, it took me a good week to feel normal again.

On October 12th and 13th, I had the pleasure to join an effort in Las Vegas to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Rob Carrigg. In tow were his brother Ryan, Exeter buddy Tenny, co-worker Paul and a host of Chipster glitterati.

For starters: Barnard, without whom no party will ever be the same. He and fellow attorneys Bill Orr and Mike Allan were first timers. They may not go back. Added to the mix were Tim Anderson, Brian Belanger and his brother Greg. All Vegas veterans who most certainly enjoyed themselves, in the appropriate fashion.

As for me...I must have had 100 Bud Lights and didn't lose as much as I feared. It was great seeing those guys and I had a good time hanging out and bullshitting with them all, from what I remember.

In the end, though, a trip to Vegas is like eating at McDonalds. You walk in, aware health is not the operative consideration. You look around and find some pretty odd and seedy folks lining up for the same treatment. (At both places you find a lot of those mechanized carts called "Rascals" that beep when they back up). You take a big bite and it tastes really good. You take another and then another. And then it's time to go. And you don't feel so well. Actually you feel sick. And then you ask yourself, why did I come here in the first place?... vowing never to return.

But yet, when enough time has passed, and someone suggests "hey, let's go to..." it sounds like a good idea. And there you are again.

God Bless America.