Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Is anynoe planning on going to the Hamtech reunion?

So I finally figured out my gmail address...

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Hey, hey, whaddya say? I hope this message finds all well with you and your families on this fine Easter day. Sarah, loved the pics of the NYC outing. Keep em coming. Can't believe you guys ran into Matt Leinart! Also, the boxhead pics are an instant classic! Wish I coulda been there. Not a whole lot to report from my end. Got me a girl and tryin to buy me a homestead. Not as simple a process as I'd originally envisioned. Who is this Notary person and how I am supposed to get their autograph? For those playing along at home, I will be on sabbatical / vacation from @ 5/18 - 7/20 or so. Hoping we can organize another "drink 100 cans of beer in a day" Coors-fest ala our Florida mini-reunion last year. From what I've been told, we had a lot of fun! Oh yeah and Scotty C - don't you go eloping and deprive us of a perfectly good excuse for getting together and tipping some pounders (country-speak for a 16oz beer)! Anyhoo, just wanted to send a shout out to my (largely) East Coast posse! Hope ya'll's livin XXL! Fab - Cursive is rolling through the 'Ha towards the end of May; get thee hence!!!

the Nator