Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Further Kretorian Adventures

New Year's Eve...
Featuring a game of "Boxhead" (aka A**hole)

And more recently, an amazing trip to St. John (albeit with my parents which is not ideal for "true" relaxation). Just got back this past weekend. Here's a taste, but for the full album, go here:

If you have never been - GO. And as soon as possible. It is a stellar island in so many ways. Major percent of the land is protected National Park, so there is a wonderful lack of development and there is no such thing as a Private beach on the island. The waters are gorgeous, the snorkeling awesome (though not like diving in the Caymans or anything), and you are pretty much expected to have an open beer in the car as you drive around the island (at a whopping 20 miles per hour max). It's really just a perfect place to vacation... I can't wait to go back again someday.

peace homes. hope to hear from everyone soon via blog or otherwise!! much love - sokrates

Monday, January 08, 2007

Wow someone wanted to play

Well I had a nice Christmas. We only had to travel to Boston (Sarah's sister) hosted. We had a nice time there and then headed up to Canada to find some snow. We got a bit more adventurous this time and went all the way to Quebec City, where we did find the snow we were looking for. Check out the pics:

Hope everyone is doing well. Look forward to seeing you guys soon.


Friday, January 05, 2007


Hope all of you had a great holiday season. Any interesting travels? Any good presents? I would guess that Buff got a Playstation 3 or Nintendo Wii or maybe both.

Maren and I went down to visit my Mom and Hale who took a house on Sea Island on the Georgia Coast. I had never heard of it before, but people apparently know it well. Despite my place of birth, I'm not the biggest fan of the South. However, this ended up being a thoroughly enjoyable experience punctuated by plenty of bottles of wine. Here is a link to the place:

Did Scott get married already? Did I miss the bachelor party? WTF?